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PlacesForBikes City Snapshot 2021


Thank you for providing data for the PlacesForBikes City Rating program! The information you provide will not affect your city’s City Ratings score, but it will be included in the results as supplementary information to help PeopleForBikes and our City Ratings audience learn what your city is doing to improve bicycling in your community. This form is best completed by a city/town staffer with a detailed knowledge of the city/town’s projects and timelines. 

We have reduced the data reporting requirements and provided more space for qualitative input. We encourage you to complete as many questions as you can even if you cannot complete the full survey. 

If you have any questions or comments, you can reach us at

To minimize the time it will take to review and provide answers online, here is a PDF version of the survey for your reference.

1. Please select your city/town from the list. *This question is required.